Developer: Sega Enterprises Genre: Mass Destruction Release: November 20 (Japan) Sega Enterprises has a Godzilla game in the works for their Dreamcast system. The game takes place in various cities throughout Japan where you take control of the famous lizard and go around smashing everything in site. You can also be sure that many of Godzilla's famous friends and foes will also appear in the game. Screenshots of Mecha Godzilla have already been revealed by Sega. The entire game is composed of polygons and looks absolutely incredible. The amount of detail in both the creatures and the cities is unprecedented even at this early point in development. The Dreamcast Godzilla will also be able to use data from the Autsumete Godzilla VMS game, which is currently in limited release in Japan. How exactly this data will be used is not yet known, but it will likely be for building stats while you're away from your Dreamcast. The game is set to be a Dreamcast launch title in Japan on Novenber 20th. |